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Advertising Express Magazine:
Celebrity Advertising : What is Ethical as Role Model Icons?

Celebrity advertising has become a trend and a perceived winning formula for product marketing and brand building. Approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for that brand among the target audience. At the same time, it needs to be acknowledged that hiring celebrities is an expensive proposition for the marketer but it costs much higher when celebrities endorse a product which affects the consumer's life in a negative manner. The article attempts to have a closer look at the ethical dimensions of celebrity endorsements. A special emphasis has been given to the recent Cola controversy and an effort has been made to analyze how responsible our role models are.


In an era where customers face a plethora of products and services to choose from, attracting and retaining consumers can be a difficult task. Companies need to create an emotional relationship with the consumer to earn their trust and loyalty. At the same time, customers also expect the companies to be loyal to them. An attempt to bluff the customers at any stage of customer life cycle can be suicidal for an organization. If the customers start suspecting you, because you could not deliver what you promised, rest assured, you are bound to lose them. Moreover, building a new image and re-educating customers can be a huge undertaking. The essence is be honest to your customers and do what is best for them.

Marketing is not about tricking your customers to "BUY" the product; it is about tricking them to "BELIEVE" your product. Brands are supposed to build relationships that grow and mature over time. To survive in an environment of cut-throat competition, companies adopt multiple tactics to manage and build brands. Use of celebrity advertising to build a brand's image is certainly not a new phenomenon. A strong spokesperson or celebrity strengthens the brand. It is a proven fact that celebrities provide a brand the much needed instant attention and approval which otherwise can take years for a company and that too without any guarantees attached.


Advertising Express Magazine, Celebrity Advertising, Product Marketing, Celebrity-Brand, Promotional Campaign, Non Governament Organisations, NGOs, Multinational Organisations, MNCs, Brand Ambassadors, Ethical Consumerism.